Firm Overview
Takayama Law Office was established on March 28, 2011, with the aim of providing premium quality legal services throughout Japan at reasonable cost.
Although a general misdistribution of lawyers has been gradually resolved by the Japan Federation of Bar Association’s or other organizations’ efforts, nevertheless, regarding the business law field, almost all business lawyers are concentrated in Tokyo and those business lawyer’s fees are very expensive. Therefore, for local business operators and start-up companies, there is still a misdistribution of lawyers. We believe that the development of local areas is essential for Japan’s further growth. Therefore, we intend to provide premium quality legal services at reasonable cost for local business persons, who are the source of vitality for local areas.
In addition, we aim to provide the best solution for our client from a financial and managerial point of view, as well as from a legal point of view. We would greatly appreciate it if you could consult with us on your business matters as well as legal matters. We aim to be a reliable legal department for local business persons.
Although our office is only in Fukuoka in current, we make effort to have affiliated offices throughout Japan so that we provide premium quality legal services throughout Japan as reasonable.

About the Firm
Takayama Law Office was established by the representative partner after five and half years’ experience in Nishimura and Asahi, the largest law firm in Japan. We, as well as Nishimura & Asahi, share one core value in providing legal services: an uncompromising commitment to quality.
We always devote ourselves to provide high quality legal services for local business persons. We continue to aim to earn the complete trust of our clients by offering the best solution for our clients
Takayama Law Office was merged with Meilin Law Firm and its name was changed to Meilin International Law Firm. Meilin International Law Firm members also devote themselves to provide high quality legal services for clients.